There’s a certain je ne sais quoi about our Resolution Consultant Yvette Allan. With fluency in both French and English, Yvette builds bridges (or Eurotunnels) between cultures. With a deep understanding of psychology, Yvette knows what makes businesses tick. Her expertise lies in communication and understanding the intersection of human and business.

Yvette has worked as a Business Psychologist for 19 years. Rooted in a strong Occupational Psychology background, she specialises in Assessment–both for selection and development purposes–and Leadership and Talent Development.

Her highly developed interpersonal skills and capacity for building long term relationships based on trust enable her to support her clients in maximising their potential and leveraging their talents. Her clients value her ability to adopt a thorough, yet pragmatic approach to acquiring and developing their top talent.

Yvette often works with clients for whom English is not a first language. She has consulted extensively with a wide range of clients, spanning both private and public sector organisations including: The Ministry of Defence, the United Nations, Atos, VW Group, AG Foods, Ecole Nationale Aviation Civile, Toulouse Business School and the Manchester School of Management.

What people say:

“Yvette forms strong and effective relationships with clients at all levels and we consistently receive good reports of her professionalism, social skills and good humour from our key client contacts.  She always shows high levels of commitment and energy in the delivery of projects.” 

Dr Derek Wilkie, C.Psychol, C.Sci, Director, Stuart Robertson & Associates Ltd


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At a glance

Responsibilities at TCM



Yvette specialises in:

Occupational psychology

Leadership and talent development

Cross-cultural communication

English as a second language

Qualifications and Awards

MA Organisational Psychology, University of Manchester