Introduction to Investigations
How often have you been involved with an investigation that has failed the scrutiny of a hearing panel, an appeal or Employment Tribunal, or because it was not deemed subjective, of because it was not thorough enough or through a failure of following your own internal policies and procedures?
This introductory session will provide everything that you need to avoid the common pitfalls to ensure that you get workplace investigations right first time!
You are invited to join Gary Rogers, TCM’s Head of Investigation & Audit Services, in an exclusive session, either online or at our headquarters in London.
Based on Gary’s 30+ years experience as a global leader in workplace investigation’s, the session explores selected topics and detailed case studies on workplace investigations.
An industry leading expert will share best practice in getting your workplace investigation right, first time
You will hear first hand experiences of what makes a good investigation and how to avoid a bad experience
Explore the importance of questioning techniques and active listening
We will discuss the balance of probabilities, in easy to understand terms, and explore its importance in your workplace investigation
You will see how to compile a high quality investigation report, aligned to a clear terms of reference
I will share my own experiences of managing several successful investigations and reference industry case studies
The opportunity to participate in an interactive question and answer session, providing expert confidential advice on your own workplace investigations