As founder and CEO of The TCM Group, David Liddle is known internationally as a top-rated keynote speaker, dispute resolution specialist, innovative business thinker, disruptor and thought leader. With 20+ years of experience he knows first-hand the challenges of maintaining an engaged workforce and growing a business in these rapidly-changing times.
David has advised leaders from companies as diverse as Royal Mail, HSBC, United Nations, Arcadia, Bloomberg, HMRC, Capgemini and Public Health England. He is an author of Managing Conflict: A Practical Guide to Resolution in the Workplace, which highlights his commitment to working with clients to find and deliver on opportunities for resolution and development.
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CIPD Coronavirus webinar series – 10th December 2020
Managing conflict, bullying and harassment at work
The unequal impact of the COVID-19 health pandemic has divided the workforce. While the Job Retention Scheme (furlough) has enabled many employers to keep workers on the books, employees will be feeling anxious about job security, heightening tensions among the workforce. Workers able to return to work following a period of furlough will need time to reintegrate into the workplace.
Employees will also be tackling different experiences of homeworking, with the lack of in-person interactions and potential for miscommunication increasing tensions and anxiety further. Negative conflict and unfair treatment like bullying was a significant issue in many workplaces before the COVID-19 crisis.
Concerningly, CIPD research conducted earlier in 2020 found that a quarter of employees thought their company turns a blind eye to workplace bullying and harassment. In recent weeks, the UK Government has come under pressure and scrutiny to deal with cases of bullying within senior government positions.
Conflict is an inevitable part of human interaction, but it’s essential organisations get to grips with handling conflict at work and adopt a zero-tolerance approach to unfair treatment like bullying. Join our panel of experts to unpack the challenges of COVID-19 generating workforce friction; recognise the behaviours that can fuel negative conflict; and identify how to nip incidents in the bud at an early stage to help people managers swiftly resolve and manage conflict at work.
Our panel of experts include:
• Rachel Suff, Senior Employee Relations Adviser, CIPD
• David Liddle, Founder and CEO of The TCM Group
How to integrate a Just Culture and a Resolution Framework – 9th December 2020
As more and more NHS look to integrate a Just Culture, trust leaders, HR and others are reviewing how they handle complex issues such as conflicts, bullying, incivility, patient & employee complaints, whistleblowing, and disciplinary issues. The focus is now on respect, civility, and resolution. The traditional systems for managing complaints, concerns and conflicts are broken and are no longer fit for purpose. They are punitive, corrosive, damaging, divisive, reductive, and adversarial. They are proven to create harm and to undermine, rather than enable, a culture of co-operative problem solving, insight and learning.
A new approach and a new paradigm are urgently needed. This workshop, from leading conflict management and culture change expert, David Liddle, offers delegates a refreshing and innovative approach to these perennial problems. David will explain how more and more organisations such as Aviva, TSB, Virgin Atlantic and London Ambulance Service are reframing their traditional discipline and grievance procedures in favour of an overreaching Resolution Framework™. During this workshop, David will explain how a Just Culture brings people together, encourages co-operation and fosters a culture of positive and empowering dialogue.
a Just Culture brings people together, encourages co-operation and fosters a culture of positive and empowering dialogue.
- To set complaints, concerns and conflict resolution in a wider Just Culture and Organisational Dynamics perspective.
- To consider a whole systems approach for integrating and sustaining a Just and Learning Culture.
- To explore the limitations and costs of traditional discipline and grievance procedures.
- To examine the role, impact, and implementation of a Resolution Framework™.
- To consider how HR, managers, unions, employee reps and other stakeholders can work together to promote a healthy, happy, and harmonious workplace culture.
- Introducing a whole systems model for integrating a just and learning culture.
- Integrating positive psychology behavioural science, restorative justice, emotional intelligence, and principled negotiation into your systems for resolving complaints concerns and conflicts.
- The anatomy and the psychology of conflicts, complaints, and concerns.
- The problem with traditional discipline and grievance procedures and what to do about it.
- Introducing the TCM Model Resolution Framework™
- Underpinning toolkits and checklists for the integration of a Resolution Framework™:
i. Triage and Resolution Index.
ii. Reminders (the new name for disciplinary warnings).
iii. Resolution Champions.
iv. The various routes to resolution.
v. Early resolution meetings, formal resolution meetings and appeals.
- The process, benefits, and practical applications of mediation.
- Practical tools and techniques for managing conflicts, complaints, and concerns.
- Question and answers
This workshop is suitable for:
- HR/OD, L&D and ER teams.
- Legal teams.
- Managers and leaders.
- Unions/employee reps or works council reps.
- Investigators.
- Disciplinary and appeals chairs.
- Occupational health professionals.
- Equality and diversity reps.
- Senior management team.
This workshop is based on David Liddle Liddle’s book: MANAGING CONFLICT, a practical guide to resolution in the workplace (CIPD/Kogan Page)
Conduct Change – 18th November 2020
What can we do differently to support prevention and resolution of workplace bullying?
Current workplace policies and procedures, including statements of zero tolerance, have been proven not to work for relational conflicts and in fact add to the injury caused by bullying behaviour, by causing the target to relive the trauma repeatedly through recording, reporting, investigations, appeals and tribunals. It is time for greater clarity around bullying and the damage that it does to both individuals and organisations, and for leaders and employees to share responsibility for creating more compassionate and courageous approaches to dealing with this matter.
The theme of the day will be – What can we do differently to support prevention and resolution of workplace bullying?
David will cover alternative Resolution models within his session which he will host at 10:10am
University of the West of England – 3rd November 2020
David was invited to present at the SWEEN Group’s Staff Development Forum and Employee Engagement Network to discuss all things ‘Redefining Resolution’.
David’s session will cover:
Redefining Resolution (Just and Learning Culture)
• Set complaints, concerns and conflict in a wider Organisational Dynamics perspective
• Introducing the TCM Model resolution Framework
• Practical tools and techniques
• Leadership/HR/TU role in promoting healthy, happy and harmonious workplace culture.
Kogan Page – 27th October 2020
OFF THE PAGE – Inspirational authors, unforgettable events
Resolve and prevent conflict in the workplace with guidance from David Liddle, CEO of the UK’s leading mediation and resolution consultancy
Conflict in the workplace is a recurring problem for organizations and this has been heightened during this time of uncertainty and change. From disagreements between colleagues, managing disputes or large-scale industrial action, conflict negatively impacts people and profits as employee morale and productivity fall.
Using his experience and expertise, David will be answering crucial questions including:
• Why do we experience more conflict during times of change?
• How can this impact a business and its people?
• How can conflict be mediated before it escalates?
• How has this changed in a world of remote working?
Civil Service Employee Policy – 22nd October 2020
As part of CSEP’s Mediation Awareness Month, David was invited to present on their webinar – Mediating during a Crisis.
The session will focus primarily on:
• Mental health issues arising from Covid19
• Mediating in cases of change management
• Supporting managers and colleagues through meditation when they are experiencing conflict are a result of remote and flexible working
Redefining Resolution in the NHS – 20th October 2020
Healthcare conflict resolution, redefined.
All healthcare staff have a shared desire and responsibility to keep patients safe, and here at The TCM Group, we strive to do all we can to support this. Unfortunately, as is the case in any workplace, mistakes are inevitably made. Such occurrences are rarely to blame on one person, however, too often, HR processes have a tendency to create a blame culture in which staff are reluctant to speak up and learn from such mistakes. What is really needed is a fair and just culture, in which all staff are treated consistently, mistakes can be learnt from, and issues promptly resolved.
The TCM Group have helped over 300 NHS trusts and health/ social care organisations in transforming the way they respond to conflict. The hallmark of this has been our ground-breaking Resolution Policy, to replace traditional grievance and disciplinary policies within the NHS. By adopting a more modern and progressive approach for handling workplace issues, we’ve helped numerous healthcare trusts and many other public/ private sector organisations. Our philosophy is that we can take the grief out of a grievance, by promoting mediation and early resolution, while reserving formal processes for the most serious disputes.
Conference Lead, David Liddle shares his thoughts ahead of the event:
“Having worked with hundreds of trusts to help them to develop a Just Culture, I have seen first-hand that the biggest barrier to fairness, justice, dialogue and compassion in the NHS is the way that complaints, concerns and conflicts are currently managed. This unique conference will explore how NHS Trusts can replace their traditional discipline and grievance procedures with an overarching Resolution Framework™ This is a radical move, but one which encourages healthy, restorative dialogue, for a more values-based, outcome-oriented and person-centred culture.”You can listen to the podcast in full here:
Leaders Council podcast alongside Geoff Hurst – 30th September 2020
The Leaders Council of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is currently in the process of talking to leadership figures from across the nation in an attempt to understand this universal trait and what it means in Britain and Northern Ireland today.
David Liddle from The TCM Group was invited onto an episode of the podcast, which also included an interview with Geoff Hurst. Host Scott Challinor asked both guests a series of questions about leadership and the role it has played in their careers to date.
Scott Challinor commented, ‘Hosting a show like this, where you speak to genuine leaders who have been there and done it, either on a national stage or within a crucial industry sector, is an absolute honour.’
Lord Blunkett, chairman of The Leaders Council of Great Britain and Northern Ireland said, ‘I think the most informative element of each episode is the first part, where Scott Challinor is able to sit down with someone who really gets how their industry works and knows how to make their organisation tick. Someone who’s there day in day out working hard and inspiring others. That’s what leadership is all about.’
You can listen to the podcast in full here:
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Your PPE for the emerging economic crisis: People, Performance and Engagement – 25th June 2020
An interactive webinar with David Liddle (CEO, The TCM Group), Rachel Suff, (Senior Policy Adviser, CIPD), and Angela Gibson, (Employee Relations Lead, TSB Bank), focusing on practical tips to ensure that people performance and engagement are at the heart of your pandemic recovery strategy.
The latest economic figures are sobering. Many predict that we are facing the worst economic crisis since the Great Frost of 1709. HR are leading the way in preparing their organisations for the post pandemic recovery and they are enabling the shift from a public health crisis to a looming economic and climate crisis. Everyone is agreed that flexible working, person centred management practices and agile systems are central to the post pandemic recovery. But what does this all mean for an already over stretched HR function? How can organisations adopt a person centred and values based approach, when the focus for many will be on survival and the challenges appear to be so great and potentially insurmountable?
This interactive webinar will explore how HR, OD and L&D professionals can:
• Use systems thinking, positive psychology and nudge theory to underpin their people and culture plans.
• Align their HR processes to the CIPD Profession Map
• Transform disputes, conflicts and disagreements into dialogue, compassion and co-operation.
• Transform their procedures for managing complex people issues: grievances, inclusion, bullying, discipline and performance.
• Embed mentoring, coaching, and mediation skills into the heart of the people function
• Align their leaders and managers behaviours and competencies with their core values
The Healthcare People Management Association (HPMA) – 9th March 2020
TCM are back at HPMA to deliver another a half day workshop as part of the HMPA’s Enhancing Technical Knowledge Series for HR and OD professionals who are working with people on conflict.
This workshop will focus on ‘Supporting Teams’.
The aim is to support HR practitioners to set up and hold facilitated conversations between individuals who are in dispute or conflict to assist them in de-escalating the situation and finding resolution. It uses mediation skills but is intended as a stand-alone session for people who have not had mediation skills training as well as those who would like a refresher. Following the session, participants will have skills to facilitate conversations and some may wish to undertake further training.
Who is this session for?
HR professionals who would like to develop the skills required to generate co-operative and sustainable outcomes to difficult situations.
Learning Outcomes:
- Learn how to nip difficult disputes and challenging conflicts in the bud.
- Develop the 5 key skills used by some of the world’s leading mediators.
- Understand how to secure a commitment to a facilitated conversation – from the most hardened sceptic and the most doubtful naysayer.
- Learn how to set up, manage and close a facilitated conversation.
- Understand how to manage strong emotions and transform confrontational situations.
- Recognise how to apply your facilitation skills for managing bullying, grievances and complaints.
Some feedback from the previous session David ran for us on facilitated conversations:
- ‘The session addressed a range of conflicts that can arise in an organisation from basic conflicts to conflicts of more serious nature, and how to achieve resolution.’
- ‘David was very experienced and knowledgeable and it was easy to seek clarification and ask questions throughout the event.’
- ‘All was very useful, I have never done a facilitated meeting before so it was good to have insight in why/how facilitation and mediation can be used.’
HPMA competencies:
The session will address Relationship Builder at levels 3 and 4 from our HR Competency Framework.
The Healthcare People Management Association (HPMA) – 5th March 2020
NHS organisations are reviewing how they handle complex issues such as conflict, bullying, incivility, complaints, whistleblowing and discipline. The traditional systems are broken and are no longer fit for purpose. They are punitive, corrosive, damaging, divisive, reductive and adversarial. They are proven to create harm and to undermine, rather than enable, a culture of co-operative problem solving, personal insight and organisational learning. A new approach and a new paradigm is urgently needed. This workshop, from leading conflict management and culture change expert, David Liddle, offers delegates a refreshing and innovative approach to these perennial problems. David will explain how more and more organisations such as Aviva, TSB, Virgin Atlantic and London Ambulance Service are abandoning their traditional discipline and grievance procedures in favour of an overreaching Resolution Policy Framework™. David will also set out his Fair and Just Culture Model™. He will explain how a fair and just culture brings people together, encourages co-operation and fosters a culture of positive and empowering dialogue.
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CIPD Southampton – 5th February 2020
Conflict Resolution Masterclass
Our Head of Resolution Services, Johanna Whelehan has been invited to run a masterclass for CIPD’s Southampton Group.
In this session, they will examine how organisations – private and public – are now approaching the management of conflict head‐on, budgeting for it and making it part of their business strategy.
Johanna will talk about how policy change and associated training can help us manage conflict when it inevitably arises. She will talk about how approaching conflict in a holistic manner makes organisations stronger, more creative and better prepared for change while promoting an environment of engagement, support and better mental and physical health.
The masterclass will cover:
- Understand the nature of conflict
- Understand the role HR can play in building collaborative workplaces
- Understand how to approach conflict in the workplace to bring about positive change
- Understand how to deal with conflict in the workplace and how it maps to the CIPD profession map.
Civil Service Employee Policy (CSEP) – 3rd February 2020
Civil Service BHD Community of Practice
CSEP have invited David to give a presentation on talk to the BHD Forum on BHD, Inclusion and Culture Change.
The presentation will cover:
1. The arguments in favour of a policy shift towards resolution.
2. Aligning values with behaviours and some insights from behavioural science and positive psychology.
3. Overview of the Fair and Just culture model that TCM is developing.
4. Some case studies including GLA, London Ambulance service HSBC and Aviva.
5. The importance of early resolution systems such as restorative meetings, mediation and coaching etc.
6. Time for questions and answers.
The National Association of Clinical Tutors (NACT) – 15th January 2020
The annual National Multi-specialty Meeting is a 2-day joint meeting with GMC, COPMeD, AoMRC, COGPED and NACT, which is being held at the Holiday Inn, Carburton Street, London and David has been invited to speak on “Conflict – virtuous not vicious” at the final plenary. Its target audience are Training Programme Director’s, Heads of School and Directors of Medical Education who all lead on the local provision of medical education with the aims of the conference as follows:-
• To learn from the centre about relevant national & strategic PGME initiatives
• To have greater understanding of roles for mutual support and development
• To identify and collaborate on areas of common interest
• To share good practice between specialities and deaneries
Conflict – virtuous not vicious led by David Liddle.
“I found this session really thought provoking as, when working in challenging and pressured environments, conflict is not uncommon. We learnt that we can harness conflict for positive outcomes however we needed to have competence, courage and confidence to do this. Conflict provides a junction at which we can choose to take a dysfunctional negative route or a functional positive route which would involve a focus on feelings, forgiveness and flow into an empathetic listening dialogue. We should shift from punitive grievance and disciplinary policies to resolution policies. I felt that this session would resonate with anyone working in the NHS currently whatever their role and as a parent of 2 teenagers and 1 “tween” may have benefits outside of the work setting too!”
Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) – 20th November 2019
Tackling bullying, harassment and discrimination issues in the workplace
The Fair Treatment Ambassador service at MHCLG have invited David, to give a talk on Tackling bullying, harassment and discrimination issues in the workplace.
This event follows Anti-Bullying Week (11-15 November), a nationwide campaign organised by the Anti-Bullying Alliance intended to raise awareness of the issue of bullying among children. The Fair Treatment Ambassadors in MHCLG are the first point of contact for those who are concerned about bullying and harassment at work. We are a staff-led group of trained volunteers who are there to provide you support and give you a way to discuss matters on a confidential and informal basis.
The Healthcare People Management Association Annual Conference (HPMA) – 13th November 2019
David has been invited to attend the Welsh Branch of Healthcare People Managers Association (HPMA) – who are planning their national Welsh conference. The theme is creating psychologically safe workplaces/a different response to bullying and harassment and they invited David to run two 1-hour long workshops for attendees on a restorative conversation.
David’s workshops are called: Tackling bullying & incivility – a whole systems approach.
The Ben Cohen StandUp Foundation Annual Conference – 11th November 2019
David will be speaking at the second Annual Conference for The Ben Cohen StandUp Foundation on Monday 11th November 2019. The Conference this year will focus on one of the areas of concern raised by the first inaugural Conference in 2018: Bullying in the Workplace.
Unlike childhood bullying, adult bullying is not usually a focus of attention for anti-bullying organisations. However, when it occurs it is just as damaging – it can lead to low self-esteem, inability to concentrate at work, anxiety and a host of other mental health problems, not to mention the knock-on effect on career progression and income. For the business, a bullying culture leads to reduced productivity, an erosion of worker loyalty through a toxic atmosphere, and damage to brand and reputation.
The difficulty in tackling bullying in the workplace is multifaceted. Bullying is often subtle and occurs through pernicious comments or words, or through demeaning or belittling behaviour. In some areas, bullying is part of an accepted culture of workplace or career hazing.
The conference will look at interventions to workplace bullying from a societal, organisational and individual level.
Attendees will have access to current thinking and research and engage in panel discussions focussed on the following topics:
Legal Remedies and Regulation – Formal processes of remediation for bullying in the workplace and the influence of regulatory bodies
Enhancing Dignity and Respect – How organisations influence bullying behaviour, their obligations, culture, and interventions
Empowering through Informal Mechanisms – Limiting the negative effect of workplace bullying on individuals
David will be delivering his vision on how to reduce the negative impact of conflict at work by creating the conditions for employees and managers to have better conversations.
Redefining Resolution Conference (in partnership with Aviva) – 29th October 2019
Following the development of a ground breaking and award-winning partnership, leading insurers Aviva and conflict management experts, The TCM Group are delighted to announce that we are jointly hosting a one-day conference entitled ‘Redefining Resolution.’ Speakers include major UK organisations across the public, private and not for profit sectors. The unifying theme of all the speakers is a commitment to securing and embedding principles led, outcomes driven, evidence based and person-centred approaches for tackling conflict, complaints, grievances and incivility at work.
CIPD Kent – 16th October 2019
Johanna Whelehan was invited to deliver a presentation to CIPD members at the Brachers offices in Maidstone on Conflict and Resolution: A Different Approach.
The session will focus on the following areas:
• Consider the impact of poorly designed, poorly implemented and poorly managed conflict management systems.
• Explore how public and private sector organisations are introducing radical new approaches for tackling bullying and harassment (conflict) at work.
• Examine how you can drive the culture shift: From Grievance to Resolution.
• Discover how to align your leaders’ behaviours with your values.
The Healthcare People Management Association Roadshow (HPMA) – 2nd October 2019
TCM were invited to deliver a workshop at the HPMA North East Roadshow in Durham.
The HPMA Roadshow event series, is a one-day conference with a mini exhibition and is open to organisations considering HPMA membership.
The Healthcare People Management Association (HPMA) – 26th June 2019
TCM have been invited to deliver a half day workshop as part of the HMPA’s Enhancing Technical Knowledge Series for HR and OD practitioners.
Summary: Organisations are spending more time, more money and more energy responding to complaints, grievances, allegations of bullying, harassment or discrimination, inappropriate behaviour, misconduct or fraud. Complex employment and equalities legislation mean that organisations are required to have a structured approach to employment relations and workplace issues. Central to this is access to skilled investigators who can undertake an effective investigation, thereby enabling the employer to reach a fair, objective and reasonable outcome.
Aim: Reinforce the basics of workplace investigations, Delegates to reflect on their own internal practices and share best practice with others in their professional field.
Objectives: A session to enhance awareness and refresh the skills and thought processes required for handling and managing workplace investigations. A chance to think about how organisations handle the divisiveness of the investigation process.
Outcome: Your organisation will be able to make an evidence based, fair and objective decision about how to resolve a workplace issue following a fact-finding exercise. Delegates will also understand how to set up and run a workplace investigation in cases where they may be required to commission one.
Click here for more information and to book your place at this event. Open To HPM members only.
A Practical Guide to Tackling Bulling in the NHS – 21st June 2019
David Liddle has been invited to be a keynote speaker at this major conference examining the causes and the impact of bullying within the NHS. David’s speech will be offering a range of new remedies drawing on his expertise and experiences a mediator, a coach and a consultant.
In February 2019, The NHS published the latest NHS staff survey results which stated that one of the areas of concern highlighted by the research was that just under one in five staff reported having personally experienced harassment, bullying or abuse at work from other colleagues. This is an increase from 18% to 19.1% with 24.3% of staff experiencing harassment, bullying or abuse from staff in the last 12 months.
“Around one in five doctors in the NHS say they have been bullied or harassed by managers or other staff in the past year. Most incidents go unreported, often because staff believe nothing will happen or they are afraid to raise concerns.” British Medical Association 2018.
This National Conference focuses on the important issue of tackling bullying in the NHS. NHS Employers have stated that “Bullying can have serious consequences for affected individuals and those they work with, reducing productivity and risking poorer patient care”. The conference aims to provide a practical guide to clinicians and managers to tackling bullying in your clinical service or organisation.
For more details click here
Follow the conference on Twitter #BullyingNHS
Imperial College, London – 9th May 2019
David has been asked to be a guest at Imperial College’s Annual Leadership Masterclass.
The Leadership Masterclass is planned as a lunch event and consists of alumni of various leadership and management development programmes, management trainees and HR colleagues. The participants will benefit from David’s knowledge and experience in shifting their mindset from grievance to resolution and understanding the managers’ role in tackling workplace conflict in a proactive and healthy way.
David’s event will be a mix of output and interactivity with participants leaving with a greater understanding of conflict and its impact in the workplace.
Tough conversations, fair outcomes:
- The anatomy and the life-cycle of a conflict.
- Managing conflict and change: lessons from neuroscience and positive psychology.
- Why is leadership so effing hard? Dealing with the ‘F words’ of the modern organisation.
- Forget IQ. Leadership is all about emotional, social and conversational intelligence.
- How the AIR created by our leaders directly impacts on the culture of our organisations.
- Transforming dysfunctional conflict into functional dialogue – the 3 skills that every leader needs to take the grief our of a grievance.
Civil Service HR – 1st May 2019
As part of our work supporting the use of mediation across the UK Civil Service, TCM have been invited to attend the Civil Service Mediation Conference being held in Sheffield in May.
The aims of the day are:
- Build mediators’ capability and confidence
- Enhance mediators’ professionalism
- Knowledge update and sharing of good practice
- Give mediators an opportunity to network and share experience
David Liddle’s keynote presentation in the morning of the conference will focus on ‘A whole systems approach for managing conflict at work’.
In the afternoon, TCM will hosting a pop-up session, facilitating role plays and scenarios on complex cases.
NHS Improvements (NHSi) – 28th March 2019
We are delighted to have been invited to speak at the NHSi conference. Our three workshops, run by Johanna Whelehan, will place a real focus on practical and sustainable solutions to tackling Bullying and Harassment using a proactive conflict resolution approach.
- Learn how NHS organisations as well as companies like HSBC, Tesco, BA, Lloyds Bank, Royal Mail and Network Rail are introducing radical new approaches for tackling bullying and harassment at work – including case studies.
- Understand why line managers get conflict management so wrong and what can be done to make them the best mediators your organisation has.
- Learn how to make more use of conflict early warning systems and early resolution processes to tackle grievances, bullying and harassment.
- Feel confident to develop and implement board level behaviour and competencies frameworks.
Ministry of Defence (MoD) – 28th March 2019
David Liddle has been invited to deliver a seminar at the MoD alongside The IAM in March.
The event is themed around the article The 10 Top Skills That Will Land You High-Paying Jobs by 2020, According to the World Economic Forum’. The IAM’s session is focusing on what these skills look like as well as an introductory session on problem solving.
David’s session will link it to negotiating and emotional intelligence and will focus on examining the neuroscience of conflict and the importance of emotional intelligence and positive psychology for managing conflict effectively.
The session will focus on:
- The causes, costs and consequences of conflict.
- Psychology and neuroscience of conflict and conflict resolution.
- Good or bad conflict – It’s your choice!
- Developing systems and behaviours that promote constructive conflict.
- Lessons from positive psychology.
- The Art of Dialogue.
University of the Arts, London – 18th December 2018
The UAL have invited David to come along to their The OEA Well-being Experience Conference to deliver a session on ‘Hard talk – fair outcomes’.
Fear, anger, embarrassment, defensiveness – any number of unpleasant feelings can course through us during a conversation we’d rather not have. This session will focus on the 5 core skills that you can use to navigate tricky conversations. Those conversations may be about well-being or mental health, or about something else, and they could be at work or in your personal life. The workshop will explore:
- Understanding the root cause of challenging behaviour and conflict
- Active listening skills
- Empathy and self-awareness
- Remaining neutral/non-judgemental
- Principled negotiation – securing win/win outcomes.
During the session, David will be encouraging people to share personal experiences of difficult conversations and conflict that they may have experienced.
HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) – 11th December 2018
David will be delivering his renowned ‘Managing Conflict Masterclass’ at the HMRC in December.
The masterclass examines conflict resolution, based on David’s 20+ years’ experience in mediation and thought leadership. The masterclass also explores especially selected topics and case studies included in his book, giving you the perfect introduction to managing conflict in the workplace.
The objectives:
- To provide delegates with an overview of the causes, the costs and the consequences of conflict.
- To examine the neuroscience of conflict and the importance of emotional intelligence and positive psychology for managing conflict effectively.
- To critique the traditional approaches for managing conflict at work and to examine why the traditional approaches are systematically failing to secure outcomes which deliver business or human benefits.
- To explore alternative remedies for managing conflict at work including the development of a Resolution Policy.
- To set conflict management within a legal, moral and business context.
- To explain the wide range of interventions that organisations will be able to access in the future to deliver constructive and sustainable outcomes to conflict.
- To give delegates the confidence, the competence and the courage to embed a progressive approach for managing conflict which works within their HR, ER, management and leadership functions.
University of Manchester – 4th December 2018
David will be delivering his renowned ‘Managing Conflict Masterclass’ at the University of Manchester in December.
The masterclass examines conflict resolution, based on David’s 20+ years’ experience in mediation and thought leadership. The masterclass also explores especially selected topics and case studies included in his book, giving you the perfect introduction to managing conflict in the workplace.
The objectives:
- To provide delegates with an overview of the causes, the costs and the consequences of conflict.
- To examine the neuroscience of conflict and the importance of emotional intelligence and positive psychology for managing conflict effectively.
- To critique the traditional approaches for managing conflict at work and to examine why the traditional approaches are systematically failing to secure outcomes which deliver business or human benefits.
- To explore alternative remedies for managing conflict at work including the development of a Resolution Policy.
- To set conflict management within a legal, moral and business context.
- To explain the wide range of interventions that organisations will be able to access in the future to deliver constructive and sustainable outcomes to conflict.
- To give delegates the confidence, the competence and the courage to embed a progressive approach for managing conflict which works within their HR, ER, management and leadership functions.
Urbaser – 22nd November 2018
David will be delivering his renowned ‘Managing Conflict Masterclass’ at Urbaser in November.
The masterclass examines conflict resolution, based on David’s 20+ years’ experience in mediation and thought leadership. The masterclass also explores especially selected topics and case studies included in his book, giving you the perfect introduction to managing conflict in the workplace.
The objectives:
- To provide delegates with an overview of the causes, the costs and the consequences of conflict.
- To examine the neuroscience of conflict and the importance of emotional intelligence and positive psychology for managing conflict effectively.
- To critique the traditional approaches for managing conflict at work and to examine why the traditional approaches are systematically failing to secure outcomes which deliver business or human benefits.
- To explore alternative remedies for managing conflict at work including the development of a Resolution Policy.
- To set conflict management within a legal, moral and business context.
- To explain the wide range of interventions that organisations will be able to access in the future to deliver constructive and sustainable outcomes to conflict.
- To give delegates the confidence, the competence and the courage to embed a progressive approach for managing conflict which works within their HR, ER, management and leadership functions.
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CIPD Milton Keynes – 21st November 2018
CIPD have invited David to come along to their evening in November to present a ‘mediation mock-up’.
The objective is to demonstrate the FAIR Mediation Process™ and the skills and qualities of the mediator via a live demonstration.
This demonstration will utilise a forum theatre role play method. Forum theatre is a popular way of showcasing key skills and immersing the audience into the experience.
There are four roles:
- the two disputing parties,
- the mediator and
- a narrator/facilitator.
The demonstration will highlight the key stages of the mediation process with opportunities for the audience to input into the process and engage in round table and plenary discussions. The audience will be encouraged to record key learning points in a learning log during the demonstration.
Yorkshire Building Society – 15th November 2018
David will be delivering his renowned ‘Managing Conflict Masterclass’ at Yorkshire Building Society in November.
The masterclass examines conflict resolution, based on David’s 20+ years’ experience in mediation and thought leadership. The masterclass also explores especially selected topics and case studies included in his book, giving you the perfect introduction to managing conflict in the workplace.
The objectives:
- To provide delegates with an overview of the causes, the costs and the consequences of conflict.
- To examine the neuroscience of conflict and the importance of emotional intelligence and positive psychology for managing conflict effectively.
- To critique the traditional approaches for managing conflict at work and to examine why the traditional approaches are systematically failing to secure outcomes which deliver business or human benefits.
- To explore alternative remedies for managing conflict at work including the development of a Resolution Policy.
- To set conflict management within a legal, moral and business context.
- To explain the wide range of interventions that organisations will be able to access in the future to deliver constructive and sustainable outcomes to conflict.
- To give delegates the confidence, the competence and the courage to embed a progressive approach for managing conflict which works within their HR, ER, management and leadership functions.
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CIPD Black Country – 13th November 2018
Following on from the previous successes of David’s events, he has been invited to speak this CIPD’s event on “Taking the Grief out of Grievance” in November.
- To explore the limitations of the traditional grievance and anti-bullying procedures.
- To consider new approaches for managing conflict including resolution triage assessments, early resolution meetings, mediation and facilitated conversations.
- To examine the role, impact and implementation of The TCM Resolution Policy™.
- To explore systemic, cultural and behavioural factors related to The TCM Model Resolution Policy™.
- To consider how HR, Managers and Employees can work together to promote a healthy, co-operative and constructive workplace culture.
- The anatomy of conflict.
- The problem with traditional grievance and anti-bullying procedures.
- Introducing the TCM Model Resolution Policy™.
- The process, benefits and practical applications of mediation.
- The role of the triumvirate: HR, Managers and Employees.
- Practical tools and techniques for managing conflict at work.
- Case studies.
- Question and answers (conflict clinic).
The TCM Group – 25th October 2018
David will be running an Internal Mediation Scheme Co-ordinators workshop for clients who have their own mediation schemes embedded within their organisations.
The session will focus on the building, running and evaluation of your scheme plus David will be sharing some helpful tips and insights that he has learned in his 20 years of running his very own mediation business.
This session will include an exclusive insight to TCM’s new Customer Zone™.
The Metropolitan Police – 5th October 2018
The Metropolitan Police Service are hosting their first Managing Conflict and Sharing Solutions Conference in October 2018. The conference is free and a fantastic opportunity to network and share knowledge via active discussion to identify best practices to minimise risk and successfully reduce disputes.
David will be one of the keynote speakers at this amazing event where he will be speaking about Routes to Resolution: person centred, values-based resolution processes as well as delivering workshops throughout the day.
The Home Office – 28th September 2018
National Inclusion Week is an annual opportunity to raise awareness of inclusion in the workplace, hosted by Inclusive Employers. This year’s theme is Everyday Inclusion, which aims to:
- Celebrate every day, practical ways you can create an inclusive environment in your workplace and inspire others to do so;
- Engage your organisation in the commercial and social opportunities of inclusion;
- Generate new ideas to make inclusion an everyday reality.
This year David has been invited to host a session in Leeds on how to effectively manage grievances, mediation as well as being a servant leader.
The Home Office – 26th September 2018
National Inclusion Week is an annual opportunity to raise awareness of inclusion in the workplace, hosted by Inclusive Employers. This year’s theme is Everyday Inclusion, which aims to:
- Celebrate every day, practical ways you can create an inclusive environment in your workplace and inspire others to do so;
- Engage your organisation in the commercial and social opportunities of inclusion;
- Generate new ideas to make inclusion an everyday reality.
This year David has been invited to host a session in London on how to effectively manage grievances, mediation as well as being a servant leader.
London Ambulance Service – 20th September 2018
In 2015, London Ambulance Service (LAS) became the first ambulance trust to be placed in special measures by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) where concerns were raised about bullying and harassment. The trust took immediate action and recruited a bullying and harassment specialist, nominated a non-executive director sponsor and setup an HR and OD committee.
They introduced Bullying and Harassment Awareness Workshops to equip employees with practical tools to help make the workplace more respectful as well as commissioning TCM to train 50+ members of staff to become facilitators of Round Table Sessions. Since the training, LAS has seen an increase in dialogue at all levels within the organisation.
Following on from the findings in 2015 and the successes of the Round Table Sessions, the London Ambulance Service are running a Bullying and Harassment Conference in London.
They have invited David to speak at the conference firstly, to talk about Mediation: Why it Works and secondly around MeToo: Exploring Restorative Justice in working with sexual harassment allegations.
The Institute of Leadership & Management (ILM) – 4th July 2018
David will be collaborating with the ILM on their webinar: Collaboration: Dealing with Conflict.
Conflict may occur in a group of people working together, even if they all share a common goal, measurable targets and a clear vision. Many leaders try to avoid conflict at all costs and when it arises tend to manage disagreements inappropriately. Dealing with conflict constructively can lead to increased productivity, new ideas being generated and personal development for all team members.
David will be collaborating with the ILM on their webinar: Collaboration: Dealing with Conflict.
The Civil Mediation Council (CMC) – 28th June 2018
Bullying and Sexual Harassment: Can Mediation Help?
ACAS recently revealed that bullying and harassment in the workplace is costing employers up to £18bn per year. An impact on workplace morale and productivity has been felt by nearly 75% of workers. Harassment in the workplace has never had a higher priority than it does now, with many employers introducing measures expressly designed to encourage the reporting of potentially inappropriate behaviours.
How will you handle such a complaint? Join David and others for an in-depth and interactive look at the resolution of confrontational and high-profile allegations and hear about alternative options for addressing them swiftly and discreetly in the way least damaging to both the business and the people concerned.
Nottingham City Council – 21st June 2018
David will be delivering his renowned ‘Managing Conflict Masterclass’ at Nottingham City Council in June.
The masterclass examines conflict resolution, based on David’s 20+ years’ experience in mediation and thought leadership. The masterclass also explores especially selected topics and case studies included in his book, giving you the perfect introduction to managing conflict in the workplace.
The objectives:
- To provide delegates with an overview of the causes, the costs and the consequences of conflict.
- To examine the neuroscience of conflict and the importance of emotional intelligence and positive psychology for managing conflict effectively.
- To critique the traditional approaches for managing conflict at work and to examine why the traditional approaches are systematically failing to secure outcomes which deliver business or human benefits.
- To explore alternative remedies for managing conflict at work including the development of a Resolution Policy.
- To set conflict management within a legal, moral and business context.
- To explain the wide range of interventions that organisations will be able to access in the future to deliver constructive and sustainable outcomes to conflict.
- To give delegates the confidence, the competence and the courage to embed a progressive approach for managing conflict which works within their HR, ER, management and leadership functions.
The Ritz Hotel – 15th June 2018
David will be delivering his renowned ‘Managing Conflict Masterclass’ at The Ritz Hotel, London in June.
The masterclass examines conflict resolution, based on David’s 20+ years’ experience in mediation and thought leadership. The masterclass also explores especially selected topics and case studies included in his book, giving you the perfect introduction to managing conflict in the workplace.
The objectives:
- To provide delegates with an overview of the causes, the costs and the consequences of conflict.
- To examine the neuroscience of conflict and the importance of emotional intelligence and positive psychology for managing conflict effectively.
- To critique the traditional approaches for managing conflict at work and to examine why the traditional approaches are systematically failing to secure outcomes which deliver business or human benefits.
- To explore alternative remedies for managing conflict at work including the development of a Resolution Policy.
- To set conflict management within a legal, moral and business context.
- To explain the wide range of interventions that organisations will be able to access in the future to deliver constructive and sustainable outcomes to conflict.
- To give delegates the confidence, the competence and the courage to embed a progressive approach for managing conflict which works within their HR, ER, management and leadership functions.
The TCM Group – 22nd May 2018
David will be running an Internal Mediation Scheme Coordinators workshop for clients who have their own mediation schemes embedded within their organisations.
The session will focus on the building, running and evaluation of your scheme plus David will be sharing some helpful tips and insights that he has learned in his 20 years of running his very own mediation business.
Birmingham City Football Club – 11th May 2018
David will be delivering his renowned ‘Managing Conflict Masterclass’ in conjunction with Birmingham City Football Club in May.
The masterclass examines conflict resolution, based on David’s 20+ years’ experience in mediation and thought leadership. The masterclass also explores especially selected topics and case studies included in his book, giving you the perfect introduction to managing conflict in the workplace.
The objectives:
- To provide delegates with an overview of the causes, the costs and the consequences of conflict.
- To examine the neuroscience of conflict and the importance of emotional intelligence and positive psychology for managing conflict effectively.
- To critique the traditional approaches for managing conflict at work and to examine why the traditional approaches are systematically failing to secure outcomes which deliver business or human benefits.
- To explore alternative remedies for managing conflict at work including the development of a Resolution Policy.
- To set conflict management within a legal, moral and business context.
- To explain the wide range of interventions that organisations will be able to access in the future to deliver constructive and sustainable outcomes to conflict.
- To give delegates the confidence, the competence and the courage to embed a progressive approach for managing conflict which works within their HR, ER, management and leadership functions.
East Lancashire NHS Foundation Trust – 11th April 2018
David will be delivering his renowned ‘Managing Conflict Masterclass’ at East Lanc NHS in April.
The masterclass examines conflict resolution, based on David’s 20+ years’ experience in mediation and thought leadership. The masterclass also explores especially selected topics and case studies included in his book, giving you the perfect introduction to managing conflict in the workplace.
The objectives:
- To provide delegates with an overview of the causes, the costs and the consequences of conflict.
- To examine the neuroscience of conflict and the importance of emotional intelligence and positive psychology for managing conflict effectively.
- To critique the traditional approaches for managing conflict at work and to examine why the traditional approaches are systematically failing to secure outcomes which deliver business or human benefits.
- To explore alternative remedies for managing conflict at work including the development of a Resolution Policy.
- To set conflict management within a legal, moral and business context.
- To explain the wide range of interventions that organisations will be able to access in the future to deliver constructive and sustainable outcomes to conflict.
- To give delegates the confidence, the competence and the courage to embed a progressive approach for managing conflict which works within their HR, ER, management and leadership functions.
The Metropolitan Police – 12th March 2018
Moped crime, acid attacks and the very latest in crime fighting technology are among the key topics being discussed by experts at this sold-out conference organised by the Home Office-funded National Business Crime Centre (NBCC) on Monday, 12 March in London.
More than 200 business leaders, security professionals, representatives from local authorities and police forces, including the Metropolitan Police Service, are gathering together to share experiences and expertise in fighting crime. They will hear the latest advice on a diverse range of topics as diverse as the new data protection regulations to preventing acid and knife attacks.
The conference, entitled ‘Tackling Violence Against Business’ will feature speakers including Sir Craig Mackey, Deputy Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, and Jayne King, head of security at Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, and will be closed by Victoria Atkins MP.
Other experts from the private industry including David Liddle and public bodies such as the Crown Prosecution Service will:
- Give advice on protecting lone workers, such as retail and reception staff;
- Demonstrate how conflict management can defuse potentially violent encounters;
- Advise how retailers can successfully and peacefully ‘’Challenge 25’’ to keep on the right side of licensing laws;
- How to ‘design out’ crime from businesses with better physical layouts;
- How the Health & Safety Executive sees the impact of violence at work.
The NBCC was formed in October 2017 to bring together police and businesses to learn, share and support each other to prevent and combat crime.
The Swedish Parliament – 29th November 2017
David has been invited to be a panellist at the Swedish Parliament in November at a meeting hosted by The Swedish Institute for Mediation (SIM), solely based on mediation.
The meeting will specifically look at:
- Workplace Mediation and
- Mediation in Insurance Businesses.
David will be presenting to all the Swedish MP’s, numerous distinguished professionals in the insurance business, representatives from some large organisations as well as many other “ambassadors” for the “Resolution Revolution”. And of course, the media!
The Association of Chief Executives of Voluntary Organisations (ACEVO) – 22nd November 2017
David has been invited to speak at ACEVO’s Dynamic Duo event in November. This is a seminar for charity CEO’s and Chairs to come together which is run in partnership with the Association of Chairs. David has been asked to speak to the delegates on how to encourage positive conversations at work, developing constructive relationships between the Chair and CEO, TCM’s new approach for resolving disputes and when to bring in mediation/coaching.
This will be an interactive session where delegates will be required to do some group work and will be encouraged to share their thoughts too.
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CIPD Annual Conference – 8th November 2017
David will be doing a presentation at this year’s conference on his new book – MANAGING CONFLICT. A practical guide to resolution in the workplace which has been published jointly by Kogan Page and the CIPD.
Conflict in the workplace is a perennial problem for organizations. Whether it’s a disagreement between colleagues, a dispute with management or large-scale industrial action, conflict negatively affects both people and profits as employee morale and productivity fall. Endorsed by the CIPD, Managing Conflict is an essential guide for HR professionals needing to tackle these problems by not only resolving current issues, but also preventing future instances of conflict. Going beyond interpersonal conflict, the book also looks at resolving board room disputes, disputes with shareholders, in the supply chain, commercial disputes and customer complaints.
The Association of Project Management (APM) – 10th October 2017
The APM are holding their annual North West conference in October. This interactive workshop has been designed by a leading business mediator, David Liddle, to help APM members secure constructive and lasting outcomes to conflicts and disputes. The workshop will explore the common mistakes that many of us make when we are handling conflict with a work colleague or manager, within project teams, or with customers.
These mistakes include:
- Designing conflict management systems which encourage dogma, division and dysfunction
- Leaving our values stuck to the lobby wall
- Burying our heads in the sand
- Taking issues too personally
- Being too remote – emotionally and physically.
During this workshop, David will set out some simple and practical tools that will help you to get the best from a challenging conflict or a divisive dispute. He will also explore how many leaders are now designing constructive conflict management into their project plans and change management processes. The session will be interactive with time included for a conflict clinic. David will invite participants to submit questions during the session – so get thinking!
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Farnborough & Camberley CIPD – 26th September 2017
David has been invited to speak the Farnborough and Camberley Group CIPD on “Taking the Grief out of Grievance” in September.
David’s workshop has become very successful and will be speaking at numerous other events over the coming months.
- To explore the limitations of the traditional grievance and anti-bullying procedures.
- To consider new approaches for managing conflict including resolution triage assessments, early resolution meetings, mediation and facilitated conversations.
- To examine the role, impact and implementation of The TCM Resolution Policy™.
- To explore systemic, cultural and behavioural factors related to The TCM Model Resolution Policy™.
- To consider how HR, Managers and Employees can work together to promote a healthy, co-operative and constructive workplace culture.
- The anatomy of conflict.
- The problem with traditional grievance and anti-bullying procedures.
- Introducing the TCM Model Resolution Policy™.
- The process, benefits and practical applications of mediation.
- The role of the triumvirate: HR, Managers and Employees.
- Practical tools and techniques for managing conflict at work.
- Case studies.
- Question and answers (conflict clinic).
Managing Conflict Book Launch – 25th September 2017
David’s new book – MANAGING CONFLICT. A practical guide to resolution in the workplace which is being published jointly by Kogan Page and the CIPD will be launching at The Ritz on September 25th.
Following the recent UK Supreme Court ruling regarding the unlawful and discriminatory nature of the 2013 employment tribunal reforms, a new approach for managing conflict has never been needed more. One thing is for certain, the current system for resolving workplace disputes is broken and there is little point simply trying to paper over the cracks. It is time for a Resolution Revolution!
More details and some of the fantastic reviews that the book has been receiving can be found here:
The Healthcare People Management Association (HPMA) – 10th July 2017
David will be offering a taster session on Facilitated Conversations to members at HPMA. The aim is to support HR practitioners to set up and hold facilitated conversations between individuals who are in dispute or conflict to assist them in de-escalating the situation and finding resolution. It uses mediation skills but is intended as a stand-alone session for people who have not had mediation skills training as well as those who would like a refresher. Following the session, participants will have skills to facilitate conversations and some may wish to undertake further training.
Who is this session for?
HR professionals who would like to develop the skills required to generate co-operative and sustainable outcomes to difficult situations.
Learning Outcomes:
- Learn how to nip difficult disputes and challenging conflicts in the bud.
- Develop the 5 key skills used by some of the world ’s leading mediators.
- Understand how to secure a commitment to a facilitated conversation – from the most hardened sceptic and the most doubtful naysayer.
- Learn how to set up, manage and close a facilitated conversation.
- Understand how to manage strong emotions and transform confrontational situations.
- Recognise how to apply your facilitation skills for managing bullying, grievances and complaints.
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CIPD ER Network – 5th July 2017
David has been invited to speak at CIPD’s ER Network in London in July on the subject of “is your grievance procedure poisoning your organisation”.
National Works Council – 24th May 2017
The National Works Council (NWC) is a body made up of Representatives from each of our Forums – Infra, AppsOne, Core Services, Aspire, Consulting and Financial Services. The NWC consult on matters which have a universal application across all Business Units.
The NWC meets on a bi-monthly basis and is concerned only with issues which impact on or have implications for all employees regardless of which UK Business Unit they work in across the UK. The NWC adopts the same collective consultation approach that works successfully within our Forums. The meetings are attended by Employee Representatives and Management Representatives, namely UK HR Director/Capgemini UK and other management delegates are invited to meetings accordingly. The meetings are chaired by the Employee Representative Chair.
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CIPD Annual Conference – 11th May 2017
The Learning and Development Show is the place to find out about the latest developments and thinking in L&D. The event is a place to discover inspiring thought-leaders, innovative practitioners and expert suppliers and learn the knowledge and skills you need to put learning at the heart of your organisation. David will be speaking in the Learning Arena at 15:05. David will be discussing ‘Why it’s time to take a hard look at soft skills’. Managers worry about complaints and grievances. A reactive culture results in low productivity and engagement and rising levels of litigation. Soft skills must improve.
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South Yorkshire and District branch of CIPD – 12th April 2017
The South Yorkshire and District Branch of CIPD are holding an event at Rotherham United Football ground and have invited David to deliver his session entitled ‘Taking the Grief out of Grievance’ to their members. This is an all-day event with four guest speakers, including David on a variety of HR related subjects for around 70 delegates.
Mind & Matter – 11th April 2017
As the world changes, so do the demands on modern leadership. Cutting edge leadership development is evolving in an era of complexity and globalisation and the need to develop a sustainable edge is greater than ever. The Mind and Matter Conference 2017 has a great line-up of speakers presenting the latest neuroscience behind mindfulness practice, the results it can achieve for corporations and employees, as well as providing the tools to build a business case for mindfulness programmes in the work place.
The Association of Chief Executives of Voluntary Organisations (ACEVO) – 5th April 2017
The focus of the members forum is to host a round table discussion, led by Owen, will be to explore how CEOs can create a culture where disputes, conflicts and grievance can be resolved constructively and collaboratively
There will be 5 different areas:
- Understanding the cost and impact to your organisation
- Creating rules and policies which promote dialogue and encourage collaborative problem solving
- The role that mediation plays in resolving disputes and grievances
- Setting up a mediation scheme in your organisation
- Supporting leaders to resolve disputes and conflicts
The Association of Project Management (APM) – 9th March 2017
This interactive workshop has been designed by a leading business mediator, Owen Bubbers, to help APM members secure constructive and lasting outcomes to conflicts and disputes.
The workshop will explore the common mistakes that many of us make when we are handling conflict; with a work colleague or manager, within project teams, or with customers.
These mistakes include:
- Designing conflict management systems which encourage dogma, division and dysfunction,
- Leaving our values stuck to the lobby wall,
- Burying our heads in the sand,
- Taking issues too personally,
- Being too remote – emotionally and physically.
During this workshop, Owen will set out some simple and practical tools that will help you to get the best from a challenging conflict or a divisive dispute. He will also explore how many leaders are now designing constructive conflict management into their project plans and change management processes.
CILEx – 2nd February 2017
CILEx is the professional body for Chartered Legal Executives, legal practitioner, paralegals and apprentices.
The Association of Project Management (APM) – 26th January 2017
Managing conflict: a practical guide.
David will be sharing an interesting and thought-provoking talk about workplace conflict management and its resolution with APM members and guests in Coventry. The talk will cover areas of:
- Root causes of workplace conflict and its impact on employee productivity and well-being.
- The anatomy of a conflict, its states and associated risks or opportunities.
- Common behaviours and reactions associated with conflict in a workplace.
- Techniques for conflict resolution and transforming it into valuable outcomes.
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CIPD Devon & Cornwall Branch – 12th October 2016
CIPD Devon and Cornwall hold an annual conference where they have several speakers presenting workshops, interactive sessions and delivering informative presentations. This event offers the opportunity for self-development and networking with like-minded individuals. There will be a selection of professionals, including David, delivering 16 mini seminars, workshops and master classes in Employment Law, Change Management, Leadership, Health and Well-being, Learning and Development and more. CIPD have named this event; The future of Human Resources.
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CIPD North Staffordshire & South Cheshire Branch – 11th October 2016
As HR professionals the words grievance and conflict are synonymous with a lot of work and effort and very little guarantee of a positive outcome for the individuals involved and consequently the organisation. Just think if there were alternatives to the ‘normal’ formal grievance procedures and an avoidance of the almost inevitable increase in tension within the organisation. Encouraging mediation and other informal approaches offers a radically different approach with much better outcomes. This methodology also is very cost effective, avoiding the heavy input required from managers when trying to resolve conflict or grievances.
David takes us through different approaches to conflict resolution in different work areas. He sets out how they inherently bring about better outcomes for the parties involved and for their respective teams and organisations.