Aviva and The TCM Group invite you to join us at Redefining Resolution 2019.
Following the development of a ground breaking and award-winning partnership, leading insurers Aviva and conflict management experts, The TCM Group are delighted to announce that we are jointly hosting a one-day conference entitled ‘Redefining Resolution.’
This FREE one-day conference is being run at Aviva HQ in central London on 29th October 2019. Speakers include major UK organisations across the public, private and not for profit sectors. The unifying theme of all the speakers is a commitment to securing and embedding principles led, outcomes driven, evidence based and person-centred approaches for tackling conflict, complaints, grievances and incivility at work.
Welcome to the Resolution Revolution
In 2018, Aviva replaced their grievance procedure with a new approach for resolving workplace issues – a Resolution Procedure. The Resolution Procedure is based on the ground-breaking Model Resolution Policy, which The TCM Group launched in 2014. By adopting a more modern and progressive approach for handling workplace issues, Aviva have demonstrated that it is possible to take the grief out of a grievance by promoting mediation and encouraging early resolution based on dialogue compassion, empathy and mutual understanding. Aviva will be sharing their inspiring story at the conference and providing evidence of the impact of this new approach on their employees and their customers.
The Aviva Case study will be presented by:
- Anthony Fitzpatrick – Employee Relations & Global Employment Policy Lead
- Sarah Buckley – ER & Employment Policy Consultant | People Function
- Andrew Case – Lead Officer – Finance & Legal Sector Unite, London & Eastern Region
- Plus, a selection of mediators and others involved in the deign and delivery of the Aviva Resolution Procedure.
– Confirmed Speakers –
Chief People Officer from Aviva
Rachel Suff – Senior Policy Adviser Employment Relations at CIPD
Paul Nowak – Deputy General Secretary of the TUC
Frances Duffy – Vice President of HR at Capgemini
Kate Cooper – Head of Research, Policy & Standards at the ILM
David Liddle – Founder & CEO of The TCM Group and Author of Managing Conflict (Kogan Page/CIPD)
Sara Glen – Deputy Chief Constable at Hampshire Constabulary
Ursula Tavender – Director, Taking Care of Business & Founder of Mumbelieveable
Sarah Albon – Civil Service Mediation Champion & CEO at the Health & Safety Executive
Shelley Pleydell – Employee Relations Manager at Virgin Atlantic Airways
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We have additional exciting guest speakers and case studies lined up and we anticipate that the 150 seats will be snapped up quickly. Events such as this usually cost around £1000 per delegate. Due to Aviva’s incredible generosity by hosting the conference and the generosity of our speakers who are speaking free of charge, we can deliver this for no fee. The event is the brainchild of David Liddle, CEO of The TCM Group. It is part of TCM’s ongoing commitment to creating Happier, Healthier and more Harmonious workplaces.
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