
Routes to Resolution

A two day course in facilitated conversations, coaching, and constructive conflict management.

This unique course is designed for HR and ER personnel, unions, leaders and managers who are responsible for the day to day management of conflict at work. This includes complaints between peers, complaints against line managers, allegations or bullying and harassment, conflicts within work or project teams and complaints made by customers.

The course is designed for organisations who are making the transition from a grievance procedure to a Resolution Policy. This course is also relevant to individuals who work in front line roles who may be required to undertake resolution triage assessments of cases and who may be required to set up and run facilitated conversations.

  • Delivery: Face-to-face or online via Zoom.
  • TCM Online – a 9 hour course, typically 3 hours per day over 3 days.
  • Face-to-face – (currently unavailable due to COVID-19) – delivered over 2 full days as an open course at the TCM Academy or delivered in-house.
  • Trainers: Delivered by TCM’s expert resolution consultants.
  • Suitable for: HR professionals, senior managers, department heads and line managers.
  • Learning outcomes: 
  • Reviews: Please click here for details of our TrustPilot reviews.
  • Cost: £595 + VAT for open courses. Contact us to find out our latest prices for in-house courses.
Practical Mediation Skills Factsheet
  • Understanding how and why conflicts happen
  • The difference between functional and dysfunctional conflict
  • Introducing the key elements of the Resolution approach: Resolution Triage Assessments, early resolution meetings, facilitated round table conversations, mediation, formal resolution meetings, investigations
  • How to undertake a resolution triage assessment (RTA)
  • How to engage managers, employees and others in the resolution process
  • How to set up and run a facilitated round table conversation
  • Understanding ourselves – unconscious bias, impartiality, neutrality etc
  • Building rapport; active listening; handling strong emotions; reframing; questioning techniques
  • How to secure a commitment to facilitation from the parties; how to set up, facilitate, close and evaluate a facilitated conversation
  • Problem solving using principled negotiation, emotional intelligence and root cause analysis
  • Working with diverse teams and promoting cross cultural dialogue and collaboration
  • Working with mental health issues
  • Module 1: The nature of conflict
  • Module 2: Introducing mediation
  • Module 3: The FAIR mediation model
  • Module 4: The 5 core mediation skills
  • Module 5: Skills practice and role play
  1. To assist with the transition from a grievance procedure to a Resolution Policy.
  2. To support a culture of constructive dispute resolution, adult to adult dialogue and collaborative problem solving.
  3. To help delegates spot, prevent and resolve employee disputes, complaints and grievances.
  4. For delegates to understand how to undertake a resolution triage assessment (RTA).
  5. To give delegates the competence, the confidence and the courage to set up and run restorative conversations or facilitated conversations.
  6. To align management and employee behaviours with the core values of the organisation.
  7. For delegates to be able to coach and mentor line managers to engage in early resolution.
  8. To raise awareness of the principles, the process and the practical applications of mediation.

TCM trainers are experts at creating a safe, empowering and challenging training environment.

This course utilities a variety of teaching styles, including facilitator presentation, participant discussion, personal reflection, group exercises and scenarios, workshops and role-plays. All activities take into account participants’ individual learning styles and provide a broad range of experiential and shared learning. All delegates receive twelve months’ follow up support to help them to embed the learning.

TCM delivers extensive support for delegates on all of our courses before, during and after the course concludes.

  • Training delivered by a world class trainer who has practical experience of the subject being taught.
  • The unique online TCM Delegate Zone™ which includes useful tool-kits, check sheets, videos, papers and other resources for delegates.
  • Free copy of the TCM Delegate Pack.
  • Full access to the amazing resources of the TCM Community for all delegates including lifetime phone and email support.
  • A course evaluation report to help you to measure the impact of the training one month after the course concludes.
  • A customer review meeting onsite or via a video call.
  • Onsite refresher training (0.5 days) or a webinar for all delegates 6 months after the course concludes (we run this as a clinic to help delegates address any challenges that they are facing)
  • Regular reviews as part of TCM’s customer journey. This journey tracks against the Kirkpatrick four level evaluation system.
  • Discounted CPD events in years two and three.

Would you like this course delivered in-house?

TCM specialises in tailoring all of our courses for in-house delivery. We also design and deliver bespoke courses and training programmes for our customers. If you would like to find out more, please feel free to give us a call on 020 7404 7011 or complete the enquiry form below and we’ll get back to you.


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