Amy joined The TCM Group in April 2022, after embarking on a personal journey of self-discovery and personal growth in early 2020. A certain global pandemic was serendipitously timed for Amy, and she spent this unexpected break from the corporate hamster wheel devouring Psychology and self-development books, completing online courses, and reconnecting with her own ‘why’… Amy came out of this metamorphosis (see also mid-life crisis) as a Certified Coach, NLP, CBT & Mindfulness Practitioner, and a firm fan of Transactional Analysis. Her obsession with human beings, their complexities, patterns, relationships, belief systems and stories continues to grow.

As such, Amy knew she wouldn’t be returning to her 20+ year long career in corporate sales and that a role which has people smack bang in the centre of it was absolutely where she needed to be.

Amy brings to the role of Transformational Culture Coordinator, a genuine and insatiable passion for people, and all the kick-ass skills that our clients, consultants and colleagues need. Meticulous attention to detail, excellent verbal and written communication, a safe pair of hands, the ability to build relationships from C-suite to shop floor, and the courage to ask all the stupid questions.

Amy is completely in love with her new role, and is a living, breathing example of what happens to humans when they feel their work is valuable and meaningful.

When she’s not working, studying, or coaching, Amy can be found outside… running, road cycling, SUPing or hiking (although Hertfordshire is a little flat for her liking). She can also be found, all year round, flinging herself into freezing cold bodies of water wearing nothing but a swimsuit and a bobble hat. Northerners, eh?

At a glance

Responsibilities at TCM

Transformational Culture Coordinator

Amy specialises in:

Transformational Culture

Qualifications and Awards

Certified Coach

Certified NLP, CBT & Mindfulness Practitioner

Certificate in Transactional Analysis 101