James is a qualified and accredited mediator and workplace investigator, who specialises in conflict resolution within the workplace as well as all aspects of employee relations casework consultancy.  A highly experienced former Director of Human Resources and Organisational Development for a national non-departmental public body, with over twenty-years’ experience in various senior HR & OD roles across different sectors, James is a passionate advocate of mediation and alternative dispute resolution in the workplace, as a means of avoiding protracted and destructive formalised procedures wherever possible.

James is equally passionate about ensuring that workplace investigations, where needed, are conducted in a thorough and reasonable way and always with a priority focus on upholding his key values of fairness, dignity, respect and humanity for all those involved in the process.  His aim is always to ensure that employee relations matters are dealt with in a timely way, with an attention to detail and focus on compliance that is balanced with a recognition of the need to achieve pragmatic outcomes and sustainable resolution of workplace issues for client organisations.

At a glance

Responsibilities at TCM

Workplace investigations

James specialises in:

Workplace investigations


Qualifications and Awards

MA Human Resource Management (Distinction)

TCM Accredited Investigator

Accredited Mediator

IMI Qualified Mediator (International Mediation Institute)